“Tech for Good, Moving Forward”

Blucalm’s Vice President, Grace, recently participated in the 2nd-anniversary communication activity hosted by Shenzhen InnoX Academy & Shero initiative. Thanks to the Shenzhen InnoX Academy for giving us this precious opportunity to communicate with industry experts. 
The 2nd-anniversary event focused on challenges faced by female startup entrepreneurs. The discussions centered on supporting women in leadership and promoting “Tech for Good, Moving Forward.
We showcased the new Smart Office Set--UCH30 Plus&UC solutions to Dr. Jiang, the former CTO of Google Cloud & Global Vice President of Cisco, Prof. Yan and specialists from different industries. Dr. Jiang provided us with multiple suggestions on our products and solutions from the perspective of professional business communication in combination with the current trend of hybrid office, and Prof. Yan shared important guidance on product design and development and entrepreneurial experience. 

With the valuable insights on women's leadership and the advocacy of “Tech for Good, Moving Forward” at the 2nd Anniversary event of SHERO Initiative, We will focus more on realizing our “Tech for Good” in commercial audio and video products.

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